How to help your aging parents manage their money

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Here are some tips for knowing when and how to step in to help them stay afloat.

How to determine if they need help. 

Your parents were the first "real adults" you ever knew, so it can be hard to imagine them needing your help. But as surely as the sun rises, 总有一天,你的父母会到了不能再理财的年纪.

当你的父母步入暮年,请留意这些 telling signs that they are in need of assistance.

They are making unusual purchases.

如果你的父母开始随意购买他们不需要的产品, 不要使用或不适合他们的生活方式-你可能需要调查一下. They could be victims of a scam or experiencing cognitive mental decline.

They have unopened mail.

下次你在父母家的时候,留意一下那些成堆的未打开的邮件. 如果他们在掩盖重要的文件,比如财务报表, IRS notices or bills, 是时候介入并帮助他们履行财务责任了.

Their physical health is declining.

As your parents age, easy tasks may become harder for them. Aches, 疼痛和视力下降会让写支票和寄支票这样简单的动作变得难以处理.

They are showing signs of memory loss.

你的父母在七八十岁的时候经历一点健忘是很典型的. However, if they start asking you the same questions repeatedly, misplacing items or forgetting common words when speaking, that's a red flag. 忽视账单和忘记现金是灾难的根源.

How to broach the subject. 


Return the favor. Give them the "money talk" as they start to age.

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Be honest and gentle.

与年迈的父母谈论金钱并不总是受欢迎的. So, 在你宣布自己是他们的船长之前, have an open conversation with them about your intentions. Explain that if something were to happen to them, 知道他们的财务状况不会因此受到影响,你会更有安全感. 提醒他们你是来帮忙的,没有他们的允许你不会做任何事. 

Include your siblings in the conversation.

如果你有兄弟姐妹,重要的是你们在这件事上意见一致. 要明白,你无法控制你的兄弟姐妹的感受或行为,但你可以 can control your own actions. Set aside any sibling rivalries and keep things civil. 愿意处理与金钱有关的话题的家庭更有可能克服财务挑战.

Blog-How to help your aging parents manage their money




How to get a clear picture of their finances. 

After you get the green light from mom and dad, 下面是你应该先问的8个最重要的问题.

1. Have you named a durable power of attorney for finances?

如果你父母失去行为能力,一份财务委托书(POA)将接管他们的账户. In absence of a POA, 你可能不得不向法院提交一份申请,要求获得你父母账户的监护权. 看看他们是否有财务规划师来帮助他们处理财务或法律文件.

2. Where do you keep your financial records and assets?

确保你有一张清晰的父母记录、账目和资产清单. If they've been hiding money under the mattress for years, they may have a sizable nest egg you don't even know about. Keep all account information, as well as a list of your parents’ assets and their locations, in a secure place.

3. What is the name of your mortgage lender?

If your parents are still paying a mortgage, or another large loan, 联系他们的贷款人,获取贷款状态和参考号码.

4. What are your monthly expenses?

把父母的固定和非固定账单列一个完整的清单, as well as seasonal and discretionary expenses.

5. How do you pay your bills?

问问你的父母,他们是通过纸质支票、电子支票还是在线支付账单. 弄清楚他们是否有任何自动付款设置,以及这些付款是从哪些账户提取的.

6. How much is your annual income?

Ask about Social Security benefits, monthly pension, 投资红利和你父母可能有的任何其他收入来源.

7. What kind of health insurance do you have?

了解你的父母是否享受医疗保险或医疗补助. Ask about possible long-term care insurance, 哪些可以支付长期健康辅助或辅助生活的费用.

8. Have you written a will or a trust?

It’s a difficult topic, but a crucial one. 确保你的父母对他们去世后财产的处置有一个计划, as well as the name of the attorney where it is filed.



How to manage their money. 


At this point, you’re ready to establish a plan for managing, or at the very least, assisting with your parents’ finances. 倾听他们的个人喜好,尽可能尊重他们的尊严. 问问他们是否愿意让你负责他们每月的一项或多项与财务相关的任务. 从每月支付他们的抵押贷款和汽车贷款开始,然后从那里开始.

You can also help to simplify their finances. 简化的第一步是将尽可能多的账单自动化. 如果你的父母有多个高息信用卡余额,你可以 consolidate their debt by paying off the balances with an unsecured loan. That way, they'll just have one loan payment each month.

Once things are feeling comfortable with your parents, 看看他们能否把你加入他们的支票账户和储蓄账户. 这将使处理日常事务和提取报表变得容易得多. If you have siblings, decide which one of you will join the account. 允许多个家庭成员使用一个bat365账户往往会导致“厨房里的厨师太多”的情况. The goal here is simplicity. 选择一个人,并事先同意,无论谁加入该账户,都将向其他人提供完全透明的信息.

接管父母的财务可能是一项微妙而艰巨的任务. Most people want to hang onto their independence as they age. 要理解,但也要认识到这对年迈的父母来说通常是必要的.

Source: gobankingrates

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